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阿杜 - right here waiting - 《天黑》
页面功能  【我来说两句】【我要“揪”错】【推荐】【字体:  】【打印】 【关闭

  right here waiting - 阿杜

  阿杜- right here waiting

  oceans apart day after day

  and i slowly go insane

  i hear your voice on the line

  but it doesn't stop the pain

  if i see you next to never

  how can we say forever

  wherever you go

  whatever you do

  i will be right here waiting for you

  whatever it takes

  or how my heart breaks

  i will be right here waiting for you

  i took for granted all the times

  that i thought would last somehow

  i hear the laughter

  i taste the tears

  but i can't get near you now

  oh can't you see it baby

  you've got me going crazy

  i wonder how we can survive this romance

  but in the end if i'm with you

  i'll take the chance

  oh can't you see it baby

  you've got me going crazy

  waiting for you~

页面功能  【我来说两句】【我要“揪”错】【推荐】【字体:  】【打印】 【关闭

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  • 刘德华 - 人间愁 - 《为何爱上你》(12/30 13:30)
  • 你就像个小孩 - 阿杜 - 《坚持到底》(12/30 13:25)
  • 他一定很爱你 - 阿杜(杜成义)(12/30 13:24)
  • 天天看到你 - 阿杜 - 《天黑》(12/30 13:23)
  • 阿杜 - 无法阻挡 - 《天黑》(12/30 13:22)
  • 阿杜 -一个人住 - 《天黑》(12/30 13:22)
  • 阿杜 - 坚持到底 - 《坚持到底》(12/30 13:21)
  • 坚持到底 - 阿杜 - 《坚持到底》(12/30 13:17)
  • 你很好 - 阿杜 - 天黑(12/30 13:16)
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